MyWellness is a fitness software system created by Technogym, which is designed to make going to the gym more technological and enjoyable. MyWellness provides members with a personal account that can be used to login to Technogym equipment. This account gives the member quick and easy access to their personal accounts such as Netflix, Facebook, and allows them to play games. The system can also be used to track their progress towards goals and view their performance in real-time.
If your gym has Technogym equipment and uses the MyWellness system, it can be integrated directly with GymMaster to allow member information from your gym management software to be carried across to MyWellness–eliminating administrative work associated with double handling of client data.
Information that is carried across includes the member’s general information such as their name, address, date of birth, gender as well as their contact details like name and phone number. Their GymMaster ID is also carried across to avoid confusion in the event of two members having the same name.
This information is added to a new MyWellness account when the member is created or saved. If you need to update member details, this is automatically done when the member profile changes are saved within GymMaster–so you don’t need to worry about updating both accounts. The MyWellness account is also automatically deleted when your member is deleted in GymMaster.
How do I set up the integration?
Setting up the integration is easy, however, it will require you reaching out to MyWellness for credentials that are required to sync the two platforms–other than this, we will do all the work for you to set this up. Get in touch with support to begin the MyWellness setup process.
Use other platforms in the running of your business? Click here to learn more about other GymMaster integrations.