Seeing measurable results is a major determinant of how motivated a member is to work out, and subsequently, it influences their likelihood of remaining a member at your club. Therefore, providing members with the ability to measure their progress over time is a valuable tool to keeping them members engaged with your club.
EGYM makes the use of internet connected workout machines and their fitness apps to allow members to track progress and compare results against goals, either set by themselves or personal trainers. Members log in to the machine using their dedicated EGYM account, which stores performance data that can be viewed through the machine itself, on their mobile phone using the dedicated app or online through their website.
If you choose to use this platform in the running of your business, your EGYM system can be linked with GymMaster to sync information between these systems and eliminate the need for staff to enter in details across both.
How does it work?
Similar to the MyWellness-GymMaster connection, this integration also creates an account which can be used to log in and out of exercise equipment to monitor and log their performance while training.
Along with their membership status and dates, this integration synchronizes the member or prospects personal details between the two platforms. This includes their name, birthdate, gender, address, RFID, and contact information such as email and phone.
During set-up, all the existing member information stored within GymMaster will be imported into EGYM automatically. After set-up, this information will be synchronized from GymMaster into EGYM every time you add a new member or prospect, or click save after editing their details–maintaining up-to-date member information on both platforms at all times. Members however cannot be deleted through this syncing process, once a member is deleted on GymMaster they will remain in EGYM but further updates to this will stop.
How do I set up the integration?
Our support team is able to set up this integration for you without any involvement on your end, to begin the process, all we require is you to reach out to EGYM informing them that you want to begin integrating their platform with GymMaster. They should provide you with the relevant information required by support for the integration to begin.
As a courtesy to your members, it is good practice to ask them if it’s ok to store their information in a new platform like EGYM. We recommend sending out a bulk gym email to let existing members know about what’s going on, as for new members signing up to your club you could include something during the sign up process or waivers informing them of this.
Click here to learn more about other GymMaster integrations.