With few options available to operate as normal for a gym owner at the moment and not much else you can do if you are at home on lockdown, this is the time to become a leader and a pillar of your gym community and become a social media expert. It doesn’t matter if you are a “computer” person or not, or whether you have a firm dislike for platforms such as Facebook. There are plenty of steps you can take to build and foster a community from your gym’s member base and keep yourself busy while helping the mental and physical wellbeing of your clients and possibly even saving your future business at the same time.
As a GymMaster user you have a very simple tool that will enable you to send an email to all of your members at any time via the reporting system, we have a simple video that details how to do this here. You might wish to create a Facebook community page where you can publish posts yourself but also have members sharing their experiences within that page also, regularly inviting your members via the GymMaster bulk email system to join this page will help with the uptake of such a service.
Content that you could be producing from home to share with your members might be daily suggestions for home workouts, tips for healthy food prep at home with limited raw food options as the situation evolves, strategies for mental wellbeing in these uncertain times or even just sharing your own daily routines and what you have been getting up to at home as you cope with forced isolation yourself. You could be sharing this in plain videos uploaded to platforms such as YouTube, just plain text long or short form, photos, or workout programmes within the GymMaster software that your members can access via their gym member portal which could be global or specific membership plan specific.
Creating videos and uploading them to Youtube doesn’t need to be anything high tech at all, practise will make the process only get easier over time. As long as you have a cell phone and a way to have it held in place by a family member or a book shelf, you can record some content to share–be it just in a talking head form or full workout suggestions or meal prep tutorials etc.
When sending newsletters, you can target specific members within GymMaster through any qualifying marker on their profile (such as age, gender, labels or other fields) or choice of memberships that could be reflected by the reporting system. During this time you might offer an “online only” gym membership which can be sold to members while their other memberships are suspended. If you decide to take this approach, you could run a report to show all the members with this membership and send out daily home workout routines, advice and motivation.
Keep busy and most of all, keep well
The GymMaster Team.