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Use the app for fitness class check-ins

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Wed, Aug 28, 2019

Whether your gym charges members to attend it’s fitness classes, your classes have a limited number of seats that requires your members to book in advance or you might just like to keep track of class attendance to see which are most popular. Getting members to check-in can be a pain for your members which detracts from their experience with your club.

Using a gym check-in system typically requires hardware such as unique cards or access control key tags for members as well as barcode scanners or gym RFID readers. If your club doesn’t have a fixed facility, it only has a few gym members, or you just want a backup option for members to check in to fitness classes from your gym front desk - then the GymMaster member app’s QR code functionality is the option for you.

kiosk check in from gym member app

The GymMaster member app is a mobile app with a number of features for encouraging members into using the facility more. Its QR code feature can be found from the “Dashboard” page, called “Scan”. What this does is it allows the member to scan the QR code found within your GymMaster member portal by using their phone’s camera from the member app. In doing so, your member will be checked in to the facility or fitness classes they are attending, the same as they usually would with an access control key tag or barcode - meaning they only need to remember their phones.

scanning gym iPad kiosk on phone

Many clubs have a computer screen or tablet at the gym front desk displaying this QR code so their members can check in using their phones as they enter the club on their way in to work out. This could be used in place of, or in conjunction with your gym’s desktop reader if you have one.

To learn more about this functionality of the member app, or about GymMaster in general - click here to get a free demo of the software.