GymMaster Logo

Pick your preferred gym automated billing provider

At GymMaster we don't lock you to any one gym billing provider, we give you options so you can pick the best suited one for your unique club, members & management style.

PCI Compliant Billing Partners

We work with some of the top billing providers all over the world to bring a range of solutions to GymMaster clients. You can choose the payment solution that works best for your business.

swiper logo Providers with supported card swiper models

Credit Card Providers capable of processing credit card payments

Automated Clearing House logo Providers capable of processing bank drafts via ACH scheme.

We support ACH payments and credit card processing through these providers
Direct debit transfer to banks are also supported via SEPA format for GymMaster Professional and higher.
Direct debit transfer to banks are also supported via CSV file for GymMaster Professional and higher.


We support processing through these providers


We support EFT payments & credit card processing through these providers


We support payment & credit card processing through these providers
Direct debit transfer to banks are also supported via SEPA format for GymMaster Professional and higher.


We support Direct Debits & credit card processing through these providers
Direct debit transfer to banks are also supported via CSV file for GymMaster Professional and higher.


We support Direct Debits (DD), Eftpos, and credit card payments through these providers:

New Zealand

We support Direct Debits (DD) and credit card payments through these providers:


We support direct transfer to bank (bank file formats) supported for certain banks (on gymmaster Professional or higher)

South America

We can do transfers direct to bank in CSV format if you provide the billing details for your bank. This is available in gymmaster professional and higher.

Middle East

We can do transfers direct to bank in CSV format if you provide the billing details for your bank. This is available in gymmaster professional and higher.


We can do transfers direct to bank in CSV format if you provide the billing details for your bank. This is available in gymmaster professional and higher.