Dru Hill
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Dru is the CEO of GymMaster. Since 1994 he has led the development of GymMaster from a simple software for a local gym to an industry-leading platform that powers thousands of gyms in over 70 countries. Dru’s forward-thinking led to innovations like the integrated access control for 24/7 gyms in 2005 and quick adaptations for COVID-19 with online classes and essential safety features in 2020. Under his leadership, GymMaster manages over 3 million memberships and handles $40+ billion in payments, making it easier than ever for gym owners to launch and grow their business.
Get The Most out of your Email Newsletters
Keeping regular contact with your members is key to maintaining club engagement, especially for your less active members. A fantastic way for keeping clients up to date with happenings around your club through use of monthly fitness club newsletters. … More
6 Reasons your Fitness Club's Website Needs a Members Portal
Efficiency and convenience is key to the success of a business in this digital age. Today, having information at our fingertips is an expectation rather than a bonus. The member portal is a powerful tool adding functionality to your fitness … More
Boost website traffic for your gym
Finding the best combination to use for your fitness club online marketing campaigns is extremely important. Doing so can boost membership numbers and offer your club an attractive return on investment. There’s a plethora of digital marketing … More
Digital Marketing tips for gym portals
So, you club is organized with GymMaster and your member’s portal is installed. That’s great! BUT, something’s not quite right.. Why am I not getting enough bookings for classes or personal trainers through the portal? Why … More
Top 5 fitness club software tools
Gyms have been around over 3000 years, originating in ancient Greece. Back then they were used as a training facility for competition in the public games for young men. In today’s day and age, gyms are much more advanced, inclusive and require much … More
Creating a New Fitness Club: Getting the First 100 Members
You can only open the doors to your club for the first time once. The lead up to that big day is key to your club hitting the ground running and it’s success. Take measures to build awareness of your new fitness club with prospective members to … More
Creating a New Fitness Club: Setting up for Success
The road to becoming an owner of a successful new fitness club can seem daunting and a long struggle. But there are a number of ways which you can improve your chances to getting there. Here’s a few tips to setting up your new fitness club for … More
How to Create a New Fitness Club: Planning & Preparation
Have you ever been working out at your local fitness club and thought you could do better? Maybe you’ve always wanted to start your own gym? or are just looking to shake things up a bit from your 9-5 desk job? Whatever your reason, now is a great … More
Quick Tips to Make your Club's Website More Useful
In today’s day and age, it’s relatively easy for anyone to create their own websites for their gym. There are a number of platforms for which you can sit down at your computer with little to no coding experience and knock out a visually … More
Why are US gym memberships dropping?
In recent years, the American Fitness Industry has seen a shift in demand for health clubs. You might be surprised to hear that the average size of American Gyms is actually getting smaller given the fact industry revenue figures have been increasing … More
Refreshing your Fitness Club in 5 Easy Steps
For many gyms when they first set up shop with their shiny new machines, dumbbells and bathrooms there is a lot of excitement among new members to get in and try the place out. After a few years, this shine will fade due to the hard daily use of your … More
Stay competitive in gym-saturated areas
Highly gym-saturated locations lead to slowing growth and, in many cases, the weaker (not literally) clubs members end up being consumed by the more established facilities when they struggle to compete. For example, recent reports show … More
Fending off the Cold: Maintaining Gym Usage in Winter
The icy blast sweeping across the United States last week not only brought inches of snow and freezing temperatures to the country, but something far scarier and worse for fitness businesses - an avalanche of excuses for people avoid working out. For … More
Getting more out of GymMaster: How to Keep Club Members Engaged
Keeping club members engaged with your club can be a challenge even for the most seasoned fitness club owners. If you’re club is a member of GymMaster, there are a number of features which can be simply and effectively incorporated into your … More
Engage gym members inside & outside
Encouraging members to use the GymMaster app at your facility will increase your fitness clubs engagement with members and subsequently boosts member retention. Building the relationship between you and your clients is an important part of client … More
Four Ways your Gym or Health Club Can Appeal to Generation Z
With a new year comes a new round of potential members for your gym. Most gyms have a minimum age for their members, whether it be to adhere to regulations or self-imposed limits. The next generation are about to be hitting the gym in their droves - … More
Introduction to Custom GymMaster Reports
Watch Video Let’s go through a deep dive into a powerful feature offered to all GymMaster clients - the ability to customise reports! Custom reports can be used to gather the relevant information which you might need conveniently into one place … More
3 Simple Ways to Boost Member Numbers
On any given day, the average American is exposed 5,000 advertisements. Now, try and think back on how many ads you remember from yesterday.. One, maybe two if you’re lucky? People physically can’t remember all of the advertisements … More
The Number One Goal for a Gym Business Needs to Be Profit
Opening up your own gym sounds like a fun idea. There is a good chance you are probably a fitness enthusiast who would love to share their love of health and fitness with others, and what better way to do it than starting your own gym. However, … More
Tips on Purchasing Your Gym Equipment Within Your Budget
If you are a current gym owner or possibly considering opening up your own gym, there are certain things you have to consider when keeping an eye on your budget. The very first thing you have to do is find a location that will provide enough traffic … More