Dru Hill
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Dru is the CEO of GymMaster. Since 1994 he has led the development of GymMaster from a simple software for a local gym to an industry-leading platform that powers thousands of gyms in over 70 countries. Dru’s forward-thinking led to innovations like the integrated access control for 24/7 gyms in 2005 and quick adaptations for COVID-19 with online classes and essential safety features in 2020. Under his leadership, GymMaster manages over 3 million memberships and handles $40+ billion in payments, making it easier than ever for gym owners to launch and grow their business.
Lead management tips for more members
Running a successful business requires many things but the bare minimum is a revenue stream and this means sales. There is a wide range of ways to improve your sales but today we’re going to cover Prospect and Lead management. There are 3 main forms … More
Automated Billing Frequencies
Choosing the right billing frequency for your members made easy! As a membership management platform, GymMaster offers clubs a reliable and easy-to-use automated billing feature. This means that clubs can automatically send paperless billing charges … More
Use the app for fitness class check-ins
Whether your gym charges members to attend it’s fitness classes, your classes have a limited number of seats that requires your members to book in advance or you might just like to keep track of class attendance to see which are most popular. … More
Encouraging word of mouth advertising to gain more gym members
Gaining a strong membership base is one of the areas which can be the cause of a large amount of stress for many gym owners. Finding the right channels to market your club can be tedious, expensive and require a large amount of trial and error. One … More
Boost prospect conversions for more members
A common problem for many gyms, especially newer ones, is establishing and maintaining a large enough membership base to cover operating costs. To achieve and maintain the optimal amount of members for a club there are two key aspects of the member … More
Easy gym marketing tips for the holidays
Gyms have always had a love-hate relationship with public holidays - while they can be a distraction for current members from their workout routines, they can also be a strong motivator or even a trigger motivating new members to sign up. Some … More
Benefits & steps to becoming an eco friendly gym
In recent years environmentalism (otherwise known as being ‘green’) has become a rapidly growing area of interest for both customers and businesses across a broad range of industries - from hospitality to transportation and everything in … More
Top Fitness Trends 2019
The ACSM’s health and fitness journal has recently conducted their annual survey of over 2,000 health and fitness professionals on what they believe will be the top fitness trends around the world in 2019. This survey asks the industry leaders … More
Using GymMaster with Silver Sneakers
The Silver Sneakers program is an initiative encouraging physical activity from older adults to better maintain their health - it is an American program, however there may be other similar initiatives in other countries if you live outside of the US. … More
Managing your Gym’s Billing More Effectively
As your club grows, keeping on top of billing can become a tedious and time consuming task for you and your gym’s staff if you don’t have efficient systems in place. However, this is a highly important area of business for gym owners to focus upon. … More
Recent Changes Made to GymMaster's Shared Memberships
Shared memberships allow one membership to be shared between multiple members. For example, this means your club may charge a set rate for a family to join without setting up individual memberships and allowing multiple secondary members to gain its … More
Install Facebook Pixel in GymMaster
Leads captured within the GymMaster member portal which have been generated from Facebook & Instagram can now be tracked and attributed to your efforts on social media with the new ability to install the Facebook pixel in GymMaster. You can … More
Gym Tailgating & How to Stop it - GymMaster
Non-members attempting to sneak in for a workout goes hand-in-hand with charging for memberships. Tailgating is a solution for clubs having issues with unwelcome visitors finding their way into the club by following members. Whether it’s a … More
Introducing the New Accounts Tab
Introducing the new and improved member accounts tab. This update makes it easier for you to identify which charges your member’s incoming payments are clearing at a glance. You can find this tab by opening GymMaster, clicking “find … More
New GymMaster Feature: Favorite Reports
If you use GymMaster reports, you may have already noticed the introduction of two new icons to your reporting interface - ♥ & ★. These symbols are the My Favorite ♥ and Company Favorite ★ buttons for GymMaster’s new “Favorite … More
Choosing the Best Billing Provider for your Fitness Club
Choosing the best billing provider is key to saving time, money and effort in the long run. While GymMaster offers a streamlined solution with your billing provider operating in the background, there are a variety of questions you should ask when … More
How Clients Outside of The Fitness Industry are Using GymMaster
As our name suggests, GymMaster was designed as a membership management system for fitness clubs and gyms. However, over the years we have picked up clients operating within a broad range of industries who creatively use GymMaster’s features to … More
Club Membership Hold Policies: Best Practices
Sometimes life gets in the way of members being able to get to the gym. They may be unwell, going away for a holiday or even a student returning to college. Membership holds are a great way to keep these members engaged with your club and keep them … More
Zapier Integration: What it means for gyms?
After a number of enquiries from our clients, we are pleased to announce that we have added the capability for you to use your GymMaster software in conjunction with one of the world’s most popular automation tools - Zapier. Click here to … More
Setting up Zapier with GymMaster
At GymMaster we’re all about setting up our clients to be efficient in managing their club, but we understand everyone is different and that requires GymMaster to be versatile and easy to integrate with your other business software. Not … More